Linda McMahon talking about job creation

Linda McMahon talking about job creation

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Linda McMahon talking about job creation إبلاغ عن خطأ

تقييمات المشاركة : Linda McMahon talking about job creation 9 على 10 مرتكز على 10 تقييمات. 9 تقييمات القراء.

Former wwe CEO Linda McMahon has released a new 30-second campaign ad for her U.S. Senate run in Connecticut.

The new spot features McMahon talking about job creation while using a lunchbox as a prop to get her message across. Featuring McMahon in the advertisement is a break from recent campaign ads that have limited McMahon's on-camera exposure.

Video: The new campaign spot is in the video below.

مقطع فيديو للحملة الانتخابية لمرشحة الحزب الجمهوري ليندا مكمان و النائب التنفيذي السابق لأتحاد


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